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  1. (*) 陳(泓),鄭,岸本,小山,金:“ユビキタス個人書斎により和歌の共有・鑑賞・創作を統合的に支援するシステムの提案と試作”,第18回公開シンポジウム「人文科学とデータベース」論文集(2012年12月)。
  2. Q. Jin, H. Chen and R.Y. Shtykh: “User-Initiated Ubiquitous Personal Study under the Ecologically Integrated Framework of Information Environments,” (Poster) Intel‐CSU Transparent Computing and Platform Innovation Summit, Changsha, China (Oct. 17-19, 2012).
  3. H. Chen, X. Zhou and Q. Jin: “Socialized Ubiquitous Personal Study: Toward an Individualized Information Portal,” Special Issue on Multidisciplinary Emerging Networks and Systems, Journal of Computer and System Sciences (Elsevier, 23 November 2011),
    NotablePaper (Notable Paper in Computing in 2012)
  4. X. Zhou, H. Man, H. Chen, Y. Wu and Q. Jin: “Blended Learning Support with Social Media Empowered by Ubiquitous Personal Study,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer), Proc. ICWL2011/ELSM2011 (2011 International Workshop on Enhancing Learning with Social Media), Hong Kong, China (Dec. 8-10, 2011).
  5. H. Man, H. Chen, J. Chen, X. Zhou, Y. Wu and Q. Jin: “Enabling Open Learning Process with Learning Activity Streams: Model, Metaphor and Specification,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer), Proc. ICWL2011 (The 10th International Conference on Web-based Learning), Hong Kong, China (Dec. 8-10, 2011).
  6. H. Man, H. Chen, Y. Wu and Q. Jin: “CAPK: A Learning Process Model for Web 2.0 Technology Enhanced Community of Practice,” Proc. IEEE CPSCom2011/TESL2011 (The 1st International Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Social Learning), Dalian, China (Oct. 19-22, 2011).
  7. A.U. Ahmed, T. Shahid, H. Chen and Q. Jin: “A Hybrid P2P Search Engine for Social Learning,” Proc. IEEE CPSCom2011/TESL2011 (The 1st International Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Social Learning), Dalian, China (Oct. 19-22, 2011).
  8. X.K. Zhou, H. Chen and Q. Jin: “Generating Associative Ripples of Relevant Information from a Variety of Data Streams by Throwing a Heuristic Stone,” Proc. ACM ICUIMC2011 (The 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication), Seoul, Korea (Feb. 21-23, 2011).
  9. Haifeng Man, Hong Chen and Qun Jin, “Open Learning: A Framework for Sharable Learning Activities”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6483, Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2010, Pages 387-392
  10. Hong Chen , Xiaokang Zhou, Haifeng Man, Yan Wu, and Qun Jin, “A Framework of Organic Streams: Integrating Dynamically Diversified Contents into Ubiquitous Personal Study”, Proc. MENS2010 (Oct. 2010)
  11. Dissertation: H. Chen and Q. Jin, Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (ACM/Springer) Special Issue on Intelligent Systems and Services for Ubiquitous Computing,Vol 13, No 7 / Oct, 2009, “Ubiquitous Personal Study: A Framework for Supporting Information Access and Sharing”,
  12. Hong Chen; Ikeuchi, N.; Qun Jin, Implementation of Ubiquitous Personal Study Using Web 2.0 Mash-up and OSS Technologies, Advanced Information Networking and Applications – Workshops, 2008. AINAW 2008. 22nd International Conference on Volume , Issue , 25-28 March 2008 Page(s):1573 – 1578, Digital Object Identifier   10.1109/WAINA.2008.169
  13. 陳泓,池内,金:“WebサービスのMashupによる情報アクセス共有支援環境の試作”, グループウェアとネットワークサービスワークショップ2007論文集(2007年11月)。
  14. 池内,陳泓,金:“時空間情報を基につながるCubicSNSの提案”(ポジションペーパー), グループウェアとネットワークサービスワークショップ2007論文集(2007年11月)
  15. H. Chen and Q. Jin: “Ubiquitous Personal Study: Learning and Information Access Support through Cross Social Network Services,” Proc. ICCE2006/MULE2006, Beijing, China (Dec. 2006)
  16. 陳泓,竹井,張,金:“Cross SNS を活用した情報アクセス共有支援環境の提案”, グループウェアとネットワークサービスワークショップ2006論文集(2006年11月)
  17. Katsuya HAKOZAKI, Hideaki KANAI, Katsunori ISHIKAWA,Hong CHEN, Katsushi IZAWA / Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol. 30, No.3, pp.43- 51 ( 1999.3 ), Conceptual Design of Virtual Library for Personal Use
  18. 箱崎勝也, 金井,石川, , 井澤(電通大) , 電子情報通信学会 VOL.J81-D-II No.5 1998.5, 個人利用に適合した仮想図書館の構想
  19. 大木健一郎(国立天文台),(電気通信大学), , 情報処理学会, デジタル・ドキュメントシンポジウム98, 情報処理学会シンポジウム論文集, 巻:98 号:3 頁:15-23, 1998.01, エキスパート・システムとしての仮想個人図書館の構築
  20. 井澤克司,,あべ松,金井,箱崎 , 情報処理学会第53回全国大会,2T-5,1996, 仮想図書館「やわら」のオブジェクト指向設計
  21. 陳泓,井澤,あべ松,金井,箱崎 , 情報処理学会第53回全国大会,2T-4, 1996, 個人利用に適合する仮想図書館「やわら」の構想